Made by Technofantasia
PrefSorter is a tool that can take a list of items you provide and sort them according to your own personal preference via a series of this-or-that comparisons.
Give it a list of anything you want (characters, concepts, outfits, etc.), and after going through a sorting process involving choosing which of a pair of items you like more (or if you like them the same), get back the same list sorted from your favorite to least favorite! Along with a name, list items can also have images, videos, and/or descriptions attached in order to give you more options as to the kinds of lists you can make.
If you make a list you like, you can download it to use at a later date, or you could share it with others to compare your results.
Have fun and sort some stuff!!
(For more specific instructions on how to use PrefSorter and what you can do with it, click the "How To Use" tab above.)
To use PrefSorter, first you need to give it a list! You can input a list through either manual input or file input.
The manual editor allows you to make a list within the webpage. Your list can have a name and a number of items; each item is required to have a unique name, but you can also give items an image or youtube video (via URL) and a text description. HTML formatting can be used in descriptions in order to get special formatting, such as bolding text using the <b> tag or italicizing using the <i> tag. After finishing your list in the manual editor, you can either use it as-is, or you can download your list as a spreadsheet file you can then upload yourself to use later or share with someone else!
File input takes a .csv spreadsheet containing your list and sorts the items within it. You can use files generated by the manual editor, or you could make one yourself in any spreadsheet/text editor. In order to be a valid spreadsheet, the first row needs to contain "Theme" in the first cell with the name for the list in the second cell, and the first three cells in the second row need to be "Item, Desc, Media" with the respective information in each column. If your list's media consists of only images or only videos, you can name the column "Image" or "Video" instead. HTML formatting in descriptions is still allowed, though in spreadsheet form, line breaks must be indicated with a <br> HTML tag.
The name of the list will be the name of the theme in the file you uploaded. If you want to change some details of an uploaded file before using it (be it name or list contents), click "Edit Contents" under the file name on the file input page and it will import the list into the manual editor. From there, you can edit and use/download the list as you please.
During the sorting process, you'll be given pairs of items and need to click on the one you like more (or indicate no preference). You can click ⟲Undo to go back to the previous comparison if you change your mind. After you've finished, you'll be shown the full list, sorted according to your preferences! You can press the ⧉ button to copy the list to your clipboard and save or share it elsewhere.
Happy sorting!!
Since PrefSorter allows you to sort long lists of things, the sorting process might end up taking a long time. In order to protect against losing progress in the middle of such a long sort, PrefSorter also allows you to save your progress!
While you only have one save slot, there are two ways to save your progress: autosave and manual save.
Autosave is enabled by default, but you can toggle it on or off using the checkbox in the page header. When autosave is enabled, any time you move to a new sorting page, your progress is saved... automatically. Wow! Magic. That way, you can leave any time you like feeling safe in the knowledge that everything will be the same when you come back. When you finish the sorting process and view your results, your autosave will be automatically cleared.
Manual save is also pretty straightforward. When manual save is on, you can click Save Progress in the lower left-hand side of the sorting screen to save your progress. Unlike when autosave is on, any save you have in manual mode will stay until you either overwrite it or delete it yourself. This can be useful if you want to sort another list without losing your progress in a previous one!
You can switch between autosave and manual save at any time, even in the middle of a sorting process, to change how your progress gets saved.
When you have progress saved, you can load it by clicking Load Save or delete it by clicking Delete Save on the home screen.